Bioenergy - State of the Nation

Bioenergy Australia is committed to accelerating Australia’s bio‑economy. Their mission is to foster the bioenergy sector to generate jobs, secure investment, maximise the value of local resources, minimise waste and environmental impact, and develop and promote national bioenergy expertise into international markets. 

This report, commissioned by Bioenergy Australia and prepared by KPMG, states that it has provided us with the benchmark for improvement. The report also states It has identified how significantly we lag behind the rest of the world and provided practical solutions and opportunities for the future. The report has also highlighted the significant achievements of states who have identified this opportunity and crafted government support to capitalise on it.

Queensland has been highlighted as the leading state due to their clear focus and strategy. The Queensland Biofuture program driven by the Premier is a shining star across Australia and something we would advocate all State Governments to replicate. The beauty of Bioenergy and Biofutures is the benefits it provides to regional Australia and the significant investment it can attract to our struggling regional centres.

In addition to State Governments, Bioenergy Australia is calling on the federal government to seize on the opportunity of billions of dollars of investment through the development of a bio strategy for Australia with dedicated staffing and ministerial allocation.

Click here to read the full document.