Submission: Low emissions economy report

Submissions from the Bioenergy Association to the Productivity Commission

Response to draft Low-emissions economy report

June 2018

This submission is complementary to the individual submissions from members which provide more detail on specific aspects of the draft report

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Consultation Low-emissions economy inquiry

2 October 2017

There are five main themes to this submission:

  • Waste to energy remains the low cost hanging fruit and could be developed from just minimisation to also include utilisation by reducing structural barriers and from assistance of transitioning incentives.
  • Government can make substantial emissions reductions through coal fired boiler replacements in institutional buildings. Local Govt. can also make a substantial contribution through waste utilisation.
  • Wood fuel supply chain needs to be built up by incentives for the smaller boiler market.
  • Bioenergy policies need to be integrated with other sector strategies that encourage change in land use and reward communities.
  • Biofuels provide potential options to deal with some of our more intractable emissions, particularly heavy duty cycle transport emissions (both domestic and international).  Investment in understanding and scoping these options needs to be occurring now ahead of them becoming clear commercial opportunities.

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